Car Accidents Caused by Those Who Run Red Lights?

Our modern day traffic system bears the intricacies of clockwork in some areas, and is astoundingly imperfect in others. Most minds fail to ponder just how complex the inner workings of our roadways are; often taking it all at face value as a simple “stop and go” operation. What drivers fail to realize is how much of an impact their driving choices have on others that they share the road with. Sadly, an overwhelming amount of drivers have a selfish attitude when it comes to the roadways. They’re not “sharing” the roadways; they’re simply “tolerating” the presence of other drivers. That means that a good portion of traffic system consists of drivers who refuse to work as a team.

Imagine a distracted driver rapidly approaching his intended destination. He notices just moments before it’s too late. Instead of dangerously yanking the wheel to make a sudden right turn, he has options that could prevent otherwise serious or fatal accidents from occurring. From the driver’s perspective, his unexpected turn won’t cause any harm. Sure, his tires are going to screech, but that’s no big deal, right? Well, considering the turn came with such short notice, there’s no way the driver had time to consider all the consequences of his impending decision.  If so many of our drivers are like this, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.

Interestingly enough, it’s a problem we’ve all learned to deal with—human error is incalculable and therefore unpreventable. Our traffic system currently consists of a massive amount of vehicles that simply enter and exit the roadways to get from place to place. Why is it so refreshing to see an act of kindness expressed by another driver? Shouldn’t coordination and cooperation be expected in a system built around team effort? Our traffic system works, and it has for a long time, but would we be so reclusive in an ideal traffic system? Furthermore, what is the ideal traffic system? I can imagine roadways replete with drivers who are confident that the intersection ahead is free of danger as they travel in coordinated groups that resemble an experienced marching band.


I would imagine that’s how it’s always been pictured by the brains that created early roadways, advanced traffic regulation devices (and even simple ones like stop signs, which are advanced in their own ways), and the systemic approach to vehicular travel as a whole. I also imagine that they failed to include negligence as an altering factor in the first traffic light demonstration, but understandably so. In the early stages of our traffic system, there simply weren’t enough grounds for testing to have tangible crash statistics. Ideas needed to be tested before they could be dismissed; flaws needed to be found before they could be fixed. The foundation left behind by the masterful engineers of the past is what we have continued to build our traffic system atop for decades.

Unfortunately, making changes to public roadways is far more impactful than a car manufacturer altering its chassis for the next year’s model. Because of that, cars have become more advanced than the roads could ever keep up with. I strongly believe that when the advancement of cars and the technology in and around them settles, and our traffic system has a chance to advance and adapt to those chances, travel will be safe, fast, and affordable. However, creating a scene of the likes is a job better suited for a sci-fi special effects artist; our current traffic system is lacking in those areas.

Nowadays, negligence and accidents are expected to happen—and they are expected to happen in the most devastating of forms. Car manufacturing companies set up exaggerated crash tests to determine how well a vehicle can hold up to damage received from a collision. This is a great example of a step that has been taken to better provide safety in the event of an accident. In other words, a problem has been identified (i.e. collisions can cause serious damage to vehicle occupants), but trying to prevent the problem is illogical (i.e. it’s not possible to completely prevent all vehicle collisions), so they instead aim to reduce the harmful effects of these unavoidable crashes (i.e. by increasing the safety of their vehicles).


So where does our traffic system lack? Car manufacturers seem to be doing pretty well at reducing injuries sustained in a vehicle accident, but what steps has our traffic system taken to accommodate negligence and unexpected happenings? Well, the truth is, not many. The best form of “negligence regulation” that we have on our roadways are the men and women of law enforcement. They keep an eye out for careless drivers that put others at harm, but they can only do so much on their own—and even they are negligent at times.

But it’s not only the poor choices of people that cause motor vehicle accidents, and it’s not only motor vehicle accidents that cause devastating injuries and losses for unsuspecting individuals. Sometimes, just the pure force of Mother Nature can cause generally unavoidable accidents, but in the end, a driver’s choice to operate a motor vehicle in poor weather conditions once again leads back to human error. However, should there ever be a time when a driver is absolutely required to drive in poor weather conditions for whatever reason; they should view these bad-weather-driving safety tips beforehand.

In the end, it’s safe to assume that negligence will never be something easily determined or prevented. By definition, accidents are never meant to happen, so how can we ever expect to craft a traffic system that expels them completely? The best thing we can do is continue to create technology and devices that nullify or reduce physical damage. Only time can tell what steps will be taken to further prevent accidents, but for now, we’re forced to live with these accidents in all forms.

People are hurt in accidents every day that are caused by someone else’s negligence. It doesn’t have to be a motor vehicle accident; the act of negligence doesn’t have to be blatantly obvious; if you or a loved one has suffered any physical, mental, or financial losses due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to seek significant financial compensation. Depending on the severity of your injuries, the amount of negligence that each involved party expressed in the accident, and a countless amount of other factors, your losses could be covered.