Will a Traumatic Brain Injury affect a Person’s Behavior?

The recovery from a traumatic brain injury can be a long and arduous road. Depending on the severity of the TBI, there can many short-term and long term cognitive effects that affect the recovery process. Also, a victim’s behavioral patterns may be altered, furthering the difficult road to recovery. The location of the traumatic brain injury in the brain is the main indicator in determining what types of behavioral problems the victim will face and how they will affect their recovery.


·         Frontal lobe: when an injury to this part of the brain is suffered, it affects emotional control, initiation, motivation, and inhibition. This may result in frustration, aggressive behavior, promiscuity, and lethargy. It can also lead to difficulty in planning a series of complex movements needed to complete a multiple-step task. The frontal lobe is behind the forehead.
·         Temporal lobe: unproved and abrupt aggression can result from an injury sustained to the temporal lobe. It also can cause both long term and short term memory loss, including an inability to learn new things, or learn and relearn appropriate behavior. The temporal lobe is located on the side of the head, just above the ears, and if the right temporal lobe is damaged, it can cause persistent talking in the victim.
·         Limbic system: damage to this area of the brain can lead to a distortion of the victim’s emotions and physical desires. It also can affect balance, movement, organization, breathing while speaking, and perceptions of the environment. The limbic system is located deep inside the brain.
·         Cerebral Cortex: the area where diffuse axonal injuries occur, injuries to the cerebral cortex can affect the way the brain processes emotions and behavior.
·         Parietal lobe: the area of the brain that processes bodily information, damage to this area can cause the inability to identify objects by touch, increases clumsiness and neglect on the side opposite of where the injury occurred, and affects a person’s ability to follow maps and get from place to place. The parietal lobe is located near the back and the top of the head.
·         Occipital lobe: an injury to this part of the brain will affect the victim’s vision. Varying degrees of blindness, difficulty with locating objects in everyday settings, color recognition, hallucinations, inability to recognize words or the movement of an object, and problems with reading and writing. The occipital lobe is located at the posterior end of the cortex.
·         Cerebellum: an injury sustained to this area of the brain can affect a person’s important motor skills such as the ability to walk, the ability to reach out and grab objects, and the coordination of fine and subtle movements. The cerebellum is located at the base of the skull.